Saturday, January 20, 2018

24in48 is coming up!

I'm excited for 24in48 next weekend! As of right now, I don't have ANYTHING else scheduled, so am hoping to actually get closer to the 24 hours.

I'll be working on getting my stack together this week. I'm currently reading 1493 and Tell the Wolves I'm Home, and am hoping to finish them before the weekend so I can start fresh.

Update on 1/25:  Here's my stack! (I'm not going to finish what I'm currently reading before the start, so they at the top of the heap. I'm also in the middle of The Hippopotamus Pool (by Elizabeth Peters) on audio.  I have a few of these on my Kindle so I can vary my reading platform. I think I have quite an eclectic selection, including more nonfiction than usual. Can't wait to get started tomorrow!

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