Monday, January 14, 2019

24in48 !!

Well, just finished one reading event and now signing up for another. Fantastic! 24in48 is coming up on January 26/27, and it just so happens the hubby will be out of town.  My books and I plan on spending plenty of quality time together! I'll update next week with my stack of possibilities (many books are vying for my attention - we'll see who gets chosen ;)

ETA Jan. 24 - Here's the stack! I've tried to select several short-ish books from my shelves that I can fit into my reading challenge (Goodreads Seasonal Reading Challenge). I'll probably only read a couple on the weekend, but I love having plenty of choices. I have a few of these on audio as well. Not pictured: Lady Fortecue Steps Out (on Kindle) by M.C. Beaton

Ready to go tomorrow evening at 10:00 p.m!

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