This was my 20th Dewey's Readathon (not counting the Reverse ones)! My first was in October, 2010.
Since last update:
This was my 20th Dewey's Readathon (not counting the Reverse ones)! My first was in October, 2010.
Since last update:
Since last update:
Running total, pages: 798 (children's and graphic helps)
Running total, hours: 7 hr 50 min reading, 2 hr 17 min audio
I'm not really sleepy yet, but the eyes are tired so I'll switch to audio for awhile. I'm hoping to keep going for at least a few more hours!
Since last update:
Mid-Event Survey:
1. What are you reading right now? The Code Breaker, Covid Chronicles, and The Vanishing HalfAaack! The time is going too fast.
It's almost time for another Dewey's 24-hour Readathon! This one is extra special because it falls exactly two weeks from when I receive my second Covid vaccine! I have not been going into stores (my stores are great about curbside pickup), so as April 24 is also Independent Bookstore Day I may have to make a quick trip and go INSIDE my local indie to pick up a book or two. YAY!!!! 😀📗📘 I do plan to still wear a mask because of the people who are not yet vaccinated, the variants and because it can't hurt and might help!
ETA 4/21/21 - THE STACK (I alway have 10 books to allow for mood reading):
From the bottom: