Well, my first Read-a-Thon is officially over. It was great fun, and I stayed up for 20 out of the 24 hours, which I was happy with. I only read for 10 1/2 hours, however, so next time I think I'll blog and cheer a little less and hopefully will be able to take fewer breaks. I'll also choose shorter books for my RAT stack. I read half of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but the book is almost 600 pages, and I didn't want to spend the whole Read-a-Thon on one book. I also read all of The Phantom Tollbooth and part of The Widower's Tale and The Hunger Games. Oh, and a litle War and Peace. The cheerleaders were great, and it was all very well organized. Hope I can do it again next time!
Final page count: 561
Final hours count: 10 1/2
Books finished: 1 1/2, plus part of 3 others
I only made it to Hour 20 as well, but it was fun! My first year being able to do it, too. I agree with you, shorter books next time...although I enjoyed what I was reading, especially when I got to Anne of Green Gables. Rereads & young adult books were great light fare.