Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hours 4, 5, and 6

Since last update:

The Martian - 55 pgs
Jacob Have I Loved - 122 pgs

Running total, pages:  273
Running total, hours:  3 hr, 20 min reading, 50 min audio

Happy with my progress so far! Almost finished with my Newbery winner, then I'm getting back to The Martian.  Think I need a 3rd cup of tea now to tide me over until I feel like having lunch.


  1. How are you enjoying The Martian? I haven't read it yet, but it seems to be a great choice for a readathon. Happy Reading!

    1. I'm really enjoying The Martian. I had read mixed reviews, but am glad I decided to read it!

  2. I loved the Martian as well! I listened to the audio-book and I think it really added to the story :)

    Well done so far on your reading - I'm on to my third book now, and loving every minute of the readathon :)

  3. Fantastic job so far! Nearly 300 pages already and as I post this, you might be past that point! Great job! I hope you are enjoying your books!
    -Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner
